And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.
Leadership Outreach immerses leaders in deep theological training, challenges them toward personal leadership development, and equips them for church planting and community engagement.
Leadership Outreach immerses leaders in deep theological training, challenges them toward personal leadership development, and equips them for church planting and community engagement.
Our Main Purposes

Theological Training
We use a time-tested theological curriculum used across the world by many organizations called Bible Training Center for Pastors (BTCP). It is highly practical, Christ-centered, Biblically-sound, and is transferable even for cultures that do not have the Bible in their own language.

Leadership Development
Keeping students local and engaged in their own ministries as we train them allows for coaching and development beyond academic study. Pairing experienced pastors and church multipliers with our trainees allows us to stay focused on the lifestyle and practice of effective Christian leadership.

Church Planting
Every church should have the DNA of multiplication within it - and we equip all of our Leadership Outreach graduates with the wisdom and tools necessary to build multiplying networks of disciples and churches, wherever they are.
The Results
Confident Leaders
Leaders feel confident and equipped to preach, share, and lead in their organizations and communities.
Healthy Teamwork
Churches are working together from strong foundations – particularly when the leadership teams working side-by-side are our students.
Regenerated Churches
Churches in high-need areas that may have fallen prey to false or inadequate teaching or have suffered from lack of qualified leadership are being revitalized.
Inspired Generations
Current and next-generation leaders who may have never been challenged to multiply gospel work before are being inspired to plant churches.
Transformed Communities
Communities being transformed by healthy churches, led by healthy leaders, outreaching and serving in Jesus’ name.